Saturday 31 March 2012


"Giving a right direction for a right work to do is very important if you know how to manage time and handle situations then you are set to achieve something good."


"Every person needs to put more and more efforts to get something to be something in life because it has a long way to go you need to achieve many goals of yours in this life many hurdles to cross teasers to solve this is the game of life."


"People talk about you more when you have done something wrong also become the center topic of them but when they get involved in some then they hide from us try to learn the value of it never make fun of others you never know you might be the next."

In Return

"Whatever a person does in his life for himself gets the results for it accordingly its just how efforts you put and in which direction you go."


"You see so much people around you still you feel sometimes lonely because something is going in a right way or not present in there."


"All of us share some bonding with someone or the other its all up to us how we feel and are comfortable with them also the same to others try make the best that you are capable of."

Sunday 25 March 2012


"When you look at something someone you notice different things qualities all their deeds try to be a good observer you will always see identify new quality."


"Missing someone something in life is when you are not able to do something without him and feel incomplete without it try to feel that you will automatically feel the magic."

Find someone

"Its hard to find someone who knows you and understands you try to find them you will see yourself in their eyes."

Sunday 18 March 2012


"A person should always be sorry for his mistakes and accept them because it has value to others if you are not then again you will make mistakes and go on."

Saturday 17 March 2012


"You never know of the time what is going to be the next you just need to be ready to face it and learn from it."

Values of persons

"Sometimes you don't get something that you need to have it for life you just need to find the solution to get it no matters how you get it."


"Mistakes happens in our lives all of us do make them but learning from them its all upto us and but its hard to explain it to others."


"When a person cries and when tears comes into eyes there comes a feeling of calmness believe in someone then that person needs support and motivation from someone not only when he is sad but also happiness and joy."


"When the feeling of the person gets hurt and when tears come the person that has hurt ed the other doesnt knows the value of the other he should understand."


"Have you ever noticed water that whatever space you give to him he will adjust as per to your comfort try to learn that you might know when it helps you."


"We need not to worry about the result but you must worry at that time when you are learning if you do so then automatically results will be good."


"All of us are capable of something or the other and will be somewhere in this life many chances come and go its not always you get it if not they give you some learning try to gain more experience rather than thinking that might not be possible you never know whats next."


"When a person starts a new project work then he faces many challenges in front so try to be calm thoughtful creative then automatically results come."

Ladder of life

"A person should always try to achieve something ans with perfection then only you will be ready to face challenges and climb up the ladder of life"

Saturday 10 March 2012


"A person at higher position always takes granted his junior to work according to his wish he should think of that he might not be at that the next moment."


"Life is like a movie all of us play different roles and have different importance to others in our lives all should be nice to other so that they are same to you and director is god."


"Everyone gets inspired with someone in his life that acts as a motivational factor for that person that plays as a magic to invent something unique."

Free Time

"Every person in his life does something or the other think of a time when you are not doing anything to find out calmness its very difficult when you are done with all your work still you are not done and doing something or the other."


"When a person cries and when tears comes into eyes there comes a feeling of calmness believe in someone then that person needs support and motivation from someone not only when he is sad but also happiness and joy."

Thursday 1 March 2012

Explaining Someone

"Its very difficult to remove from the persons value who doubt someone for only few times this can be ignored but after some times something needs to be made because always you cant explain to others because you something in this world."


"At same point of time for a person their comes happiness on the other hand for others it might not be the same for everyone so understand what might the other person is feeling."